waxing lyrical @ blogspot v1 - introspection.

//the girl
ying. 19. emotionally fuckedup. don't come near me because i bite.

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//the archives
(only a day's post is displayed. to see the rest, visit the archives.)

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08/01/2003 - 09/01/2003
09/01/2003 - 10/01/2003
10/01/2003 - 11/01/2003

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Tuesday, August 05, 2003

I don't really have much to write these days. Not that I haven't been doing anything but rather, nothing has inspired me to actually post an entry.

I suppose it's because things have been rather hectic of late. What with chilling with friends (old and new), trying to settle school stuff before it starts, mug and cram statistics (not that I've been doing much of it), I haven't really had much time to myself to sit and think.

And there's more coming up over the next few weeks. More pre-school crap like attending academic briefings, bidding for modules, and other stuff which for the life of me, I can't remember now. Oh and I'm having a chalet with my new classmates next week.

But I guess all this running around and being busy is good. Because it occupies my mind, my time and so I don't think (or maybe you can call it brood) as much as I usually do, which is good because if I don't think, then I can't think about bad stuff. If I can't think about bad stuff, then I can't be sad. And if I'm not sad, then I should be happy right? Makes sense?

I should be happy. Am I?

16:34 |

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