waxing lyrical @ blogspot v1 - introspection.

//the girl
ying. 19. emotionally fuckedup. don't come near me because i bite.

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10/01/2003 - 11/01/2003

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Sunday, July 20, 2003

Had nothing to do so decided to go through the messages in my handphone.


Some of them were from friends that I haven't contacted in months now and I can't help but think back on how good things were back then. When we'd sms each other on a regular basis even if we didn't see each other and it felt like the friendship was still intact.

"Lots of love...Missing ya...I'm here always"

How bittersweet when I look at them now. Did they really mean it when they said it at that time? If so, then what about now? What happened? Not make enough effort on both our parts? No, really. Why have they ceased?

I try to remember the context in which the message was sent. When it was sent, why the message's the way it is, but I don't remember anymore. All that's left is the words in my phone, with a long forgotten background.

I stare at the screen and I'm this close to clicking "Reply" but somehow I can't find it in me to do so.

"How have you been? I really miss ya. Maybe we could meet up some time? Do you feel the same way I feel for you? Or am I just being a sentimental fool?"

So much I want to say, to tell you. But it feels inappropriate somehow. Or maybe it's just my pride acting up once again.

Maybe, maybe memories are better left the way they are. Sweet sweet memories.

22:54 |

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